"Dear PIT team,
I just wanted to thank you so much for everything you do, giving animals like Sefira new chances. Sefira has evolved so much. At first she was so afraid of many things like the vacuum and even entering the bathroom and kitchen. Now I almost can’t get her out of the kitchen. (She knows now that’s where the food is.😂) She loves training and runs off leash when there’s not too much traffic. She gets the zoomies on every evening walk.🥹 She was also very afraid of going to the vets, but for the last 2 months we have been going to get her regular massages, and now she loves going. She is definitely the boss and I am her humble servant, amongst other things providing her heated pillow for her back every night(adviced by the vet for her muscles). She also loves riding the bike. Other than that she’s just enjoying life, chilling, getting cuddles and playing. She is the best and easiest dog ever."
Note: Sefira is a handicapped dog, she was born with one of the front legs not fully developed. She was abandoned in a shelter in March 2022 in Izmir and rescued by our association. After waiting for ONE YEAR she was finally adopted by Signe from Denmark in March 2023.
Three photos below summarize her journey with us in one year from shelter in March 2022 to our rescue facility and to her flight in March 2023
SEFIRA is chosen to be our Wall Calendar 2024 cover!